To declutter the mind is to declutter one’s life
You are the product of your daily habits, the food you eat, the content you consume. Like your dietary patterns, the way you approach all that may enter your conscious and subconscious mind determines…essentially everything.
Curation: Selecting, Organizing, Discarding
To be a true curator of your own existence is to take control of your internal and external responses. This does not mean having authority over every joy or inconvenience that comes your way. We have all heard it enough, “there are certain things we just cannot control”. WHAT A RELIEF! I don’t have time to control everything, neither do you. Relax your shoulders and unclench your jaw. Once you fully grasp this concept in practice, you are free.

You Decide
As a 20-year-old grandma, I’m afraid to say that maybe it is that “damn phone”. I find that it’s difficult for most of us to admit that the root of our overstimulation and loss of authenticity are largely due to the influence of social media. I’m not telling you to throw away your phone and live on a farm for the rest of your life (unless that’s your vibe, I personally don’t look great in overalls). I am reminding you that it is fundamentally your choice to allow or reject what you consume in your day to day, in every aspect of life.

So, Ask Yourself
Does the kind of person you want to be open Instagram 30 times a day as a default? Do they water friendships that no longer allow them to grow? Do they distract themselves with nonsense to avoid life changing opportunities that may scare them? The point of being a curated consumer is far from chasing perfection. It is taking personal inventory of what’s working in your life thus far, what isn’t, and gathering tasteful additions to strive towards a higher self.
Intervention adjourned, I’m so glad we had this talk. <3
xx, Isa
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Currently reading: “Springboard”- By: G. Richard Shell