Hi! Welcome to Curated Consumption, I’m so glad you’re here. My name is Isa Cowen (eee-sah–cow-when), I am 20 years old, and currently a full time dietetics student on my path to becoming an RD. I have a deep passion for all things wellness, from functional health practices to skincare and beauty. I am also an NPC bikini bodybuilder.
I’ve come to the understanding that there is nothing easier than to become overwhelmed by the endless options for who to be, what to eat, what to wear, etc. in the year 2025. The reality is that there is no right, one size fits all answer. Like in much of the scientific literature, the conclusion is commonly along the lines of “it depends”; it is highly individualized. That is what makes life so exciting. Free will is a wonderful thing, one that I will constantly be reminding you that you have throughout my posts. Consider me as your guide to curating every aspect of your being in the way that you truly want it, in order to reach your highest self. In other words, taking out the B.S. and leaning into the things that make your life meaningful.